『保健医療科学』 第69巻 第2号 、P. 96-P102 (2020年5月)
特集:改正健康増進法ー変わる受動喫煙対策ー <総説>
我が国では,平成15年以来,健康増進法(平成14年法律第103号)により,多数の者が利用する施設を管理する者に,受動喫煙の防止措置を講じる努力義務が設けられ,これまで一定の成果を上げてきた.しかしながら,依然として多くの国民がこうした施設において,受動喫煙の機会を有している状況にある.また,平成17年に,日本も締約国である「たばこの規制に関する世界保健機関枠組条約」(以下「FCTC」という.)が発効し,平成19年の第 2 回FCTC締約国会合において,「たばこの煙にさらされることからの保護に関するガイドライン」が採択された.FCTC第 8 条においては,締約国に対し,「屋内の職場,公共の輸送機関,屋内の公共の場所及び適当な場合には他の公共の場所におけるたばこの煙にさらされることからの保護を定める効果的な立法上,執行上,行政上又は他の措置」を求めている.こうした状況に加え,国民の健康増進を一層図るためには,受動喫煙対策を更に強化していくことが必要であることを踏まえ,健康増進法の一部を改正する法律(平成30年法律第78号.以下「改正法」という.)が平成30年 7 月に成立した.
この改正法では,①望まない受動喫煙をなくすこと,②受動喫煙による健康影響が大きい子どもや患者等に特に配慮すること,③施設の類型・場所ごとに対策を実施することの 3 つの基本的な考え方を示している.
また,改正法では,一定の場所を除いて禁煙とすることが法律上の義務として明記された.この義務に違反した場合は,都道府県知事等による指導,勧告,命令等により改善を促し,これに従わない場合に過料が設けられている.改正法は,規制の内容に応じて段階的に施行されてきたが,令和2 (2020)年 4 月 1 日に全面施行となった.
キーワード: 健康増進法の一部を改正する法律,たばこの規制に関する世界保健機関枠組条約,受動喫煙
In Japan, since 2003, the Health Promotion Law obliges managers of public facilities to make efforts to prevent second-hand smoke, and it has achieved a certain degree of success. However, many people are likely to be exposed to second-hand smoke in these facilities. In 2005, the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) came into force, and the “Guidelines for Protection from exposure to tobacco smoke” was adopted at the Second Conference of the Parties (COP) in 2007. Arti-cle 8 of the FCTC states: “Each Party shall adopt and implement in areas of existing national jurisdiction as determined by national law and actively promote at other jurisdictional levels the adoption and implementa-tion of effective legislative, executive, administrative and/or other measures, providing for protection from exposure to tobacco smoke in indoor workplaces, public transport, indoor public places and, as appropriate, other public places.” Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the measures against passive smoking to pro-mote the health of people. Based on these circumstances, the Revision of a Part of the Health Promotion Act (Revised Law) was enacted in July 2018.
The revised law outlines three basic concepts: (1) eliminating unwanted second-hand smoke, (2) giving special consideration to children and patients whose health is greatly affected by it, and (3) implementing measures for each type and location of facilities.
The revised law also stipulates that smoking should be prohibited, except in certain places. Violators of this law will be urged to improve based on guidance, recommendations, and orders by the prefectural gov-ernors, etc., and fines will be imposed if they are not followed. The revised law, which had been enforced in stages according to the content of regulations, came into full force on April 1, 2020.
The revised law has unified the rules on smoking areas, which had been separated by each facility, and promoted the development of an environment in which unwanted second-hand smoke did not occur. In ad-dition, to prevent unwanted second-hand smoke, there is an obligation to consider the surroundings when smoking. Furthermore, in addition to the regulations under the revised law, efforts will be made to raise awareness of the harmful effects of second-hand smoke and support the businesses that have established smoking rooms. Through these efforts, we expect to create an environment in which both smokers and non-smokers can respect each other and hope that this is an environment where people can spend time comfortably. We will continue to work on second-hand smoke measures.
Keywords: the Revision of a Part of the Health Promotion Act, the World Health Organization Framework, Convention on Tobacco Control, second-hand smoke