保健医療科学 住民中心の安定ヨウ素剤予防服用体制の構築のための有害事象を考慮した放射線リスク低減分析

『保健医療科学』  第69巻 第2号 p.165-176 (2020年5月)
特集:改正健康増進法―変わる受動喫煙対策― <原著>



結果:被ばく時 5 歳未満の女児や男児において,単位甲状腺等価線量(1 Sv)あたりの生涯甲状腺がん発症リスクが,1,000人あたりでそれぞれ10.5と3.3と最大となる.介入レベルとなる甲状腺予測等価線量は,有害事象の程度が重篤になるほど,そして服用による被ばく低減に係る効果が高いほど小さくなった.地域介入シミュレーションでは,生涯リスクが小さい高齢者グループで有害事象の予測発生数が多くなることが示された.
キーワード: 安定ヨウ素剤予防服用,生涯甲状腺がん発症リスク,予防服用関連有害事象,リスク・ベネフィット分析,リスクコミュニケーション

Objectives: In case that an accident occurs at a nuclear power plant etc., radioactive iodine may be released into the environment. When it is taken into the human body through breathing or food and drink, it accumulates in the thyroid gland and may cause thyroid cancer after several years to several decades due to radiation exposure. However, taking stable iodine can reduce internal thyroid exposure. In this study, it is discussed the establishment of people-centred stable iodine prophylaxis from the view point of risk-benefit analysis and interventional simulation in local areas, based on gender and age-specific thyroid cancer risk.
Methods: The number of excess thyroid cancer incidence from acute thyroid exposure to low LET ionizing radiation and the lifetime thyroid cancer risk per equivalent dose for gender and age at the time of exposure were estimated. The predicted equivalent dose of thyroid, providing at all times the net benefit of taking stable iodine, as an interventional level was calculated from a risk-benefit analysis. Furthermore, the number of thyroid cancer occurrences and the incidence of adverse events related to taking stable iodine were predicted from the interventional simulation of stable iodine prophylaxis in two virtual areas.
Results: The lifetime thyroid cancer risk per thyroid equivalent dose unit(1 Sv)was highest at 10.5 and 3.3, respectively, per 1,000 people, in female children and male children under 5 years of age at the time of exposure. The predicted equivalent dose of thyroid as an intervention level decreased with increasing severity of adverse events, and increased with decreasing the effect of risk reduction. The interventional simulations showed that the predicted number of adverse events could be higher in elderly groups albeit the low lifetime risk.
Conclusions: The stable iodine prophylaxis may be applied for the groups with a greater lifetime risk among the residents, based on the gender and age-factors , but not for all of the residents. However, there are circumstances that must be taken into consideration in local areas, such as available emergency medical system at nuclear accidents and the expectable interventional effects, and it is necessary to address them cooperatively through risk communications between local government agencies and residents. A stable iodine prophylaxis system that matches the characteristics of local areas and may be understood by the residents, namely a people-centred stable iodine prophylaxis system should be established.
keywords: stable iodine prophylaxis,life time thyroid cancer risk,prophylaxis-related adverse events,risk-benefit analysis,risk communication

(accepted for publication, January 16, 2020)


PDF 住民中心の安定ヨウ素剤予防服用体制の構築のための有害事象を考慮した放射線リスク低減分析
