保健医療科学 MSM(男性間性交渉者)などゲイ・バイセクシュアル 男性の若年者の出会いと HIV 予防教育 ―現状と課題―(2023年6月)

『保健医療科学』 2023 第72巻 第2号 p.119-127(2023年5月)
特集 : with コロナ時代の持続可能なエイズ対策—新規感染ゼロへの挑戦—<報告>

MSM(男性間性交渉者)などゲイ・バイセクシュアル男性の若年者の出会いと HIV 予防教育―現状と課題―

星野慎二 1),長野香 1),宮島謙介 1),日高庸晴 1), 2),井戸田一朗 1), 3)

1)特定非営利活動法人 SHIP, 2)宝塚大学看護学部, 3)しらかば診療所

Current status and challenges of encounters and HIV prevention education for Men who have Sex with Men and other sexual minority youths

HOSHINO Shinji 1), NAGANO Kaori 1), MIYAJIMA Kensuke 1), HIDAKA Yasuharu 1,2), ITODA Ichiro 1,3)

1) Non-profit Organization SHIP, 2) Takarazuka University, 3) Shirakaba Clinic

 厚生労働省エイズ動向委員会の報告によるHIV感染経路別割合では男性同性間の性的接触が約 6 割を占めている.ゲイ・バイセクシュアル男性の多くは自分が同性もしくは両性愛者であることを学校や職場の仲間,家族にも伝えることができず,自分自身のことを隠し,“異性愛者”を装って生活している.そうした状況によるストレスと,HIV感染リスクの高い性交渉との関連が先行研究で指摘されている.


 The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare reports that approximately 60% of HIV/AIDS cases in Japan are among men who have sex with men (MSM).
 Many MSM are unable to tell their peers at school or work, or even their families that they are homosexual or bisexual, and they live their lives hiding who they are and pretending to be “heterosexual.” This
situation causes stress and has a significant impact on mental health, and previous studies have pointed out that it is associated with risky behavior for HIV infection.
 School education has thus far offered limited positive representation of MSM and other sexual minorities. The risk of the same-sex transmission of HIV has not received much coverage in school AIDS prevention education. As a result, sexual minority youths enter young adulthood without the appropriate and prerequisite information that is necessary to protect themselves and others from HIV infection.
 Since 2007, the authors have run a non-profit organization to serve MSM and other sexual minorities, with a special focus on their mental and physical health, and on providing a safe space where they can be themselves. The results of a questionnaire survey taken by the organizationʼs walk-in clients indicate that COVID-19 made visitors more vulnerable mentally, especially among those who live with their parents and have not come out, and among those who have not met others of the same sexuality due to pandemic restrictions.
 The number of opportunities for LGBT issues to be addressed in textbooks and teacher training is gradually increasing. However, knowledge and information are still insufficient.
 It is hoped that more venues will be created that sexual minority youth can access with peace of mind, and that awareness-raising activities and support systems will be expanded in the future.

keywords: MSM, LGBT, HIV, education, prevention

MSM(男性間性交渉者)などゲイ・バイセクシュアル男性の若年者の出会いと HIV 予防教育―現状と課題―
