保健医療科学 第 8 次医療計画について(2024年5月)

『保健医療科学』 2024 第73巻 第2号 p.112-117(2024年5月)
特集 : 令和 6 年度から始まる厚生労働省の施策


第 8 次医療計画について

国立保健医療科学院 医療・福祉サービス研究部

The Eighth Medical Care Plan

Department of Health and Welfare Services, National institute of Public Health

 医療計画は,都道府県が国の定める基本方針に即して地域の実情に応じた当該都道府県の医療提供体制を確保することを目的としている. 計画期間は 6 年間で,中間年で必要な見直しを行う. 医療 計画の主な記載事項は,医療圏の設定,基準病床数の算定,5 疾病 6 事業及び在宅医療に関する事項,医師の確保に関する事項,外来医療に係る医療提供体制の確保に関する事項,地域医療構想等である. 2024 年度からは第 8 次医療計画が始まる.
 第 8 次医療計画では,新型コロナウイルス感染症の感染拡大により浮き彫りとなった地域医療の課題へ対応すること,5 疾病 6 事業及び在宅医療の 6 事業目に新興感染症発生・まん延時における医療 を追加すること,第 7 次医療計画期間中に追加された「医師確保計画」や「外来医療計画」に関するガイドラインに基づく見直しや二次医療圏の設定に関する議論等が要点である.
 また,2024 年度は第 9 期介護保険事業(支援)計画の計画期間も始まる. 医療と介護の複合的なニーズを有する高齢者が増えることが見込まれていることから,医療と介護の連携もより重要なものとなる. したがって,病床及び病院の機能分化と連携を達成するためにも,都道府県は市町村との緊密な連携に努め,医療計画,介護保険事業支援計画,介護保険事業計画の整合性を確保することも求められる.


 The purpose of medical care plans is to ensure a medical care provision system in a prefecture according to the actual conditions of the region and the basic policy established by the national government. The plan period is six years, with necessary interim reviews. The main items in a medical care plan are the establishment of medical districts, calculation of the standard number of beds, matters related to five diseases, six services, and home medical care, those related to securing doctors, matters pertaining to securing an out-patient care provision system, and a community health care vision. The eighth medical care plan will begin in FY2024.
 The plan should address community health care issues highlighted by the spread of the COVID-19 infection. In addition, medical care during emerging infectious disease outbreaks and epidemics was added. It is also important to review based on guidelines added during the seventh medical care plan period regarding the plan for securing doctors, outpatient care plan, and the set of specific medical areas, among others.
 As entities that formulate medical plans, prefectures are required to establish effective and efficient medical care provision system. It is necessary to make medical care plans more functional and promote the community health care vision.
 The Ninth Insured Long-Term Care Service Plan will also commence in FY2024. As the number of elderly with combined medical and long-term care needs is expected to increase, cooperation between medical and long-term care services will become increasingly important. Therefore, to achieve a functional differentiation and coordination, prefectures are also required to work closely with municipalities to ensure consistency between medical care plans and insured long-term care service plans.
 Because the demand for medical and long-term care differs across communities, it is possible to discuss community health care vision and community-based integrated care using objective data based on demographics and age structure and visualize community medical and long-term care provision system. There- fore, establishing indicators for this management and the concept of prioritization for an effective use of the limited medical resources will become even more important in the future.

keywords: medical care plan, medical care provision system, health care and long-term care, resources, man- agement

第 8 次医療計画について
