保健医療科学 新型コロナウイルス感染症流行中にある高等専門学校において実施したストレスマネジメント教育と学生の精神的健康の変化との関連(2024年12月)

『保健医療科学』 2024 第73巻 第5号 p.391-400(2024年12月)



1) 航空中央業務隊人事管理作業科
2) 松山大学経営学部経営学科
3) 弓削商船高等専門学校
4) 同志社大学心理学部
5) 大島商船高等専門学校

The relationship between stress management education and changes in students’ mental health
at the National Institute of Technology during the COVID-19 pandemic

MANABE Issui1), HIHARA Shogo2), MIZUSAKI Kazuyoshi3), KAMBARA Kohei4), FUJIMOTO Takashi5)
1) Central AirBase Group
2) Faculty of Business Administration, Matsuyama University
3) National Institute of Technology, Yuge College
4) Faculty of Psychology, Doshisha University
5) National Institute of Technology, Oshima College



 Pandemic of emerging infectious diseases can affect studentsʼ mental health. In stress management education as part of studentsʼ support, understanding stress responses and motivating coping mechanisms are considered effective. However, only a few studies exist on stress management education during emerging infectious diseases, particularly on improvement mechanisms for studentsʼ mental health. In this study, we provided stress management education online during the COVID-19 pandemic to students enrolled in the National Institute of Technology and analyzed their responses to the questionnaire through structural equation modeling. The results revealed that in Model 1 (understanding stress responses will affect studentsʼ mental health through mediate motivation for coping behavior) showed a better goodness of fit than Model 2 (understanding stress responses and motivation for coping behavior will affect students mental health independently). The results suggest the importance of educating by associating stress responses and coping behavior, and not independently educating stress responses and coping behavior.

keywords : stress management education, students support, latent growth curve modeling, observational study

