保健医療科学 新型インフルエンザ対策を契機とした国立保健医療科学院における反復型開発による感染症サーベイランスシステムの構築

『保健医療科学』第58巻 第3号, p.260-264 (2009年9月)
特集:新型インフルエンザ流行対策 ― 国立保健医療科学院の取り組みと今後の活動に向けて―


国立保健医療科学院 研究情報センター

キーワード: 新型インフルエンザ,感染症サーベイランス,NESID,反復型開発

Efficient and effective cooperation among the authorities is a decisive factor in responding appropriately to unknown threats to the public health, such as pandemic influenza. However, current surveillance systems for infectious diseases are designed for specific situations, and are incapable of flexibly accommodating additional surveys or dynamically modifying existing ones, which places an excessive burden on participants. This case report illustrates that basic expertise in information systems and college-level programming skills could be a simple solution to problems in pandemic response, particularly if coupled with an Iterative and Incremental Development approach.
keywords: swine influenza, outbreak surveillance system, National Epidemiological Surveillance of Infectious Disease(NESID), iterative and incremental development