『保健医療科学』 第69巻 第2号 p. 130-137(2020年5月)
特集:改正健康増進法―変わる受動喫煙対策― <総説>
目的:受動喫煙の防止を図るため制定された改正健康増進法に基づいて,保健所が実施する受動喫煙対策事業の2019年 7 月時点での実施・準備状況等を明らかにする.
方法:全国472カ所の保健所長に対し,2019年 7 月に電子メールにより調査票を送信し,回答を求めた.回答数は,328保健所(回答率69.5%)であった.
結果: ①第一種施設である保健所が敷地内禁煙で特定屋外喫煙場所を設置していないのは,222保健所(67.8%)であった.②学校で2018年度に一度でもなんらかの喫煙防止対策を行っているのは,226保健所(68.9%)であり,2008年度の同様の調査(実施率80.0%)に比較して減少していた.③2018年度に一度でも管内の医療機関での受動喫煙対策の状況把握をしたのは,99保健所(30.2%)で,禁煙治療医療機関の紹介,情報提供をしたのは,199保健所(60.7%)で,それぞれ2008年度の同様な調査(実施率53.9%,88.5%)に比較して減少していた.④第一種施設に対する指導,助言等について,保健所内で担当する部門は,「保健部門」が208保健所(63.4%),「企画・総務部門」が77保健所(23.5%)であり,当保健所で実施しないと回答したのは31保健所(9.5%)であった.⑤2019年 7 月 1 日時点で,第二種施設である飲食店に対する指導・助言等について,保健所内で担当する部門は,「保健部門」が154保健所(47.0%)で,「企画・総務部門」が45保健所(13.7%)であり「未定」と回答したのは100保健所(30.5%)であった.
Objectives: To examine the response of the Public Health Centers (PHCs) to the revised Health Promotion Act (the smoke-free legislation) in Japan, as of July 2019, a survey was carried out.
Methods: Out of 472 PHCs, 328 self-administered questionnaires were returned by e-mail. (response rate: 69.5%)
Results: It was found that 67.8% of PHCs that are supposed to provide smoke-free environments in both indoor and outdoor places, do not have any designated smoking spaces. In 2018, 68.9% of PHCs have conducted programs to prevent the initiation of tobacco use among school children. The rate has declined compared to that of the 2008 survey where 30.2% and 60.7% of the PHCs have collected information on the implementation of a smoke-free policy and distributed the smoking cessation programs in medical facilities in 2018, respectively. These rates have declined compared to those of the 2008 survey. The rate of PHCs indicating that their public health division was responsible for promoting a smoke-free policy for public places and restaurants, was 63.4% and 47.0%, respectively. However, 9.5% of PHCs showed that they were not responsible for the public places and 30.5% have not yet determined which division was responsible for the restaurants.
Conclusions: Further investigation needs to be done to promote the response of PHCs to the revised Health Promotion Act.
keywords: Revised Health Promotion Act, public health centers, smoke-free environments, second-hand smoke
(accepted for publication, March 23, 2020)