保健医療科学』 2021 第70巻 第2号 p.262-272(2021年8月)
特集:国連持続可能な開発目標3(SDG3)―保健関連指標における日本の達成状況と今後の課題について― <総説>
―生活環境・水分野におけるSDG 健康関連指標の課題―
Environments harmful to human health: Challenges for SDG
environmental health related indicators
BEKKI Kanae 1), ASAMI Mari 1), KUNUGITA Naoki 2), KODAMA Tomoko 3)
1) Department of Environmental Health, National Institute of Public Health
2) Department of Occupational and Community Health Nursing, School of Health Sciences,
University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Japan
3) Department of International Health and Collaboration, National Institute of Public Health
「持続可能な開発目標 3 」(SDG3)では,保健医療分野に関する評価・モニタリング指標の提示が求められている.本研究では,生活環境関連分野における指標の定義を確認するとともに,一般環境から労働環境までを対象に,WHO報告書から環境リスクが指摘される化合物及び物理的因子に関する国内の文献レビューを行った.
その結果,室内寒暖差と死亡率との関連性や,準揮発性有機化合物(SVOC)の室内濃度や湿度環境とアレルギー疾患との関連性,大気中の微小粒子状物質と呼吸器・循環器系疾患との関連性が示唆された.また,指標3.9.2「安全ではない水,安全ではない公衆衛生及び衛生知識による死亡」はTier Iであるが,過去30年間の国内水質事故事例の情報収集等をもとにした水系感染症死亡事例による推計値は,国連指定のコーディングによる報告値よりも極めて低く,WHOのWASH定義疾病コードが開発国の状況を基にした定義となっていることが示唆された.
Environmental health-related indicators must be examined when considering the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) targets. A review of literature regarding chemical and physical issues that carry environmental risks in reports from WHO and other academic papers in Japan and overseas showed a relationship between indoor temperature difference and mortality. Further, indoor concentrations of semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOC) and humid environments were found to be related to allergic diseases, and atmospheric microparticulate matter was found to be related to respiratory and circulatory system diseases.
Furthermore, the index related to 3.9.2 “Unsafe water, unsafe public health, and death due to unsafe hygiene knowledge” is defined using the sum of specific diseases, and the index is classified as Tier I, but the occurrence of water-borne diseases based on information from domestic water quality accident cases over the past 30 years was significantly lower than that reported by UN-designated coding using ICD10. This may be because the WHO WASH disease code was defined based on conditions in developing countries.
keywords: SDG3.9., environmental factor, disease burden, water, hygiene