参照元URL : https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/seisakunitsuite/bunya/0000164708_00079.html
Coronavirus (COVID-19)
MHLW Call Center (Toll Free)
- COVID-19 (Domestic): 0120-565-653
- COVID-19 Vaccines(Domestic): 0120-761-770
-COVID-19 Vaccines (from Overseas):(+81)50-3734-0348(Calls will be charged)
English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese and Spanish: 9:00-21:00、Thai: 9:00-18:00、Vietnamese: 10:00-19:00
*Everyday including weekends and holidays. This service cannot provide medical advice.
FRESC Call Center (Toll Free)
- Help Desk (Domestic): 0120-76-2029(Monday-Friday 9:00-17:00)
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Q&A on Home Quarantine
【Symptomatic Case】You are encouraged to stay home until your symptoms is over for 24hours and more than 7days passed since the 1st day of developed symptoms.
【Symptomatic Case】You are encouraged to stay home until 7days passed since your specimen was collected, Or 5days if the test kit is negative on the 5th day.
Mask Use
Remove your mask outdoors. See details for outdoors /indoors mask use.
Fast Track For Airport Quarantine Procedures
Shorten your time of airport quarantine procedures. Pre-register now!
11 Things You Need To Know Now About COVID-19 UPDATED
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COVID-19 Vaccines
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