『保健医療科学』 2024 第73巻 第5号 p.350-358(2024年12月)
特集 : 歯・ロ腔の健康づくりプランの方向性とその実現に向けた論点
Scientific evidence supporting the “Oral Health Promotion Plan”
Department of International and Community Health, School of Dentistry, Tohoku University
エビデンスに基づく健康づくりのため,国内外の既存のコホート研究やレセプトのデータ等の知見より,科学的な手法を議論した.米国のHealthy People 2030や英国の例を紹介するとともに,歯科健診・検診についてのエビデンスの作成のための検証手法をまとめた.エビデンスとしては無作為化比較試験RCTが望ましいが,すべての評価が可能とはいえず,これまでの大規模コホートのデータやエビデンスの網羅的な解析を実施すること,一部はシミュレーションなどによる解析も必要である.これらにより,疾病削減効果,QOLの向上及び医療費への影響について評価することが望まれ,これらの知見に基づいた歯科保健政策が望まれる.
To promote evidence-based health practices, scientific methods were discussed based on insights obtained from existing cohort studies and medical receipt data, both domestically and internationally. Examples from the United Statesʼ Healthy People 2030 and the United Kingdom were introduced, and verification methods for creating evidence related to dental check-ups and examinations were summarized. While randomized controlled trials (RCTs) are desirable as evidence, it is not always possible to evaluate everything.Therefore, comprehensive analyses of data and evidence from large-scale cohort studies that have been conducted to date are necessary, along with some analysis through simulations. It is expected that these methods will facilitate an evaluation of the effects on disease reduction and improvement in quality of life (QOL), as well as the impact on healthcare costs. A dental health policy based on these findings is desired.
keywords : evidence level, dental health policy, randomized controlled trial (RCT), cohort study