保健医療科学 国立保健医療科学院における健康危機管理研修 ―短期研修―

『保健医療科学』第58巻 第3号, p.226-230 (2009年9月)
特集:新型インフルエンザ流行対策 ― 国立保健医療科学院の取り組みと今後の活動に向けて―

国立保健医療科学院における健康危機管理研修 ―短期研修―PDF

1) 国立保健医療科学院公衆衛生政策部
2) 国立保健医療科学院研究情報センター

国立保健医療科学院では,新型インフルエンザ対策を含む健康危機管理に関連する研修として,保健所長等の保健所管理職員の健康危機管理対応の実践的能力の向上を目的とした「健康危機管理保健所長等研修(実務編)」,健康危機における保健所の組織管理及び意思決定に関する高度な実践的能力の向上を目的とした「健康危機管理保健所長等研修(高度技術編)」,感染症等の集団発生の原因究明調査に必要な実地疫学(field epidemiology)の技術の習得を目的とした「感染症集団発生対策修」,ウイルス感染症の検査診断法の技術の習得を目的とした「ウイルス研修」及び「新興再興感染症技術研修」が実施されている.
キーワード: 新型インフルエンザ,健康危機管理,感染症,研修プログラム,コンピテンシー

The National Institute of Public Health(NIPH)provides short-term training programs for the public health workforce in
emergency preparedness and response related to outbreaks of novel influenza. The “Public health emergency preparedness and response course” is for directors and other supervisory and management level staff at public health centers, and consists of two modules. One module strengthens practical competence in coping with various public health emergencies, and the other module instills advanced skills for organizational management of public health centers during public health emergencies. The “Response to outbreak of communicable diseases course” provides the fundamental knowledge and skills in field epidemiology required for investigation into outbreaks of communicable diseases and food poisoning. In the “Virus testing course” and the “Testing for emerging and re-emerging communicable diseases course”, trainees can learn the advanced skills necessary to carry out diagnostic testing for viral diseases, including a PCR diagnostic test.
These short courses feature early introduction of lectures and implementation of exercises focusing on novel influenza. NIPH will develop, implement, evaluate, and improve a curriculum suitable for developing competency in responding to a global pandemic of novel influenza.
The national government is responsible for supporting the local governments, including public health centers, through human resources development, so the NIPH can be expected to play an increasingly important role. It is necessary for the NIPH to strengthen its training and education functions, to develop high-quality training programs for emergency preparedness and response to novel influenza, and to provide these programs to all public health professionals in public healthcenters and prefectures.
keywords: novel influenza, public health emergency preparedness and response, communicable disease, training program, competency