『保健医療科学』 2021 第70巻 第5号 p.549-556(2021年12月)
連載:東日本大震災からの10年―国立保健医療科学院からの発信̶ <資料>
丸谷美紀 1),里中利恵 2),中村元子 3),佐久間勇人 3)
Lessons and challenges from the Great East Japan Earthquake: viewpoint of intractable disease patients and their families after the quake
MARUTANI Miki 1), SATONAKA Rie 2), NAKAMUTA Motoko 3), SAKUMA Hayato 3)
1) Research Managing Director, National Institute of Public Health
2) Japan Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association Kagoshima Branch
3) Japan Spinal Cerebellar Degeneration / Multisystem Atrophy Association
東日本大震災以降,法制度は整備されてきたが,その後も想定を上回る災害が続き,難病患者の避難支援,被災後の疾患・健康管理や生活の支援,災害への備えに関し,課題が山積していることが伺える.特に避難所での食事・睡眠・排泄環境等の不備が,患者の健康状態に影響した.2011年に比較すると2018年には,人工呼吸器装着患者の電源確保や原疾患の治療薬の備蓄は充実してきていた.しかし,難病患者が災害時も安心して過すためには,薬や人工呼吸器等の狭義の医療への備えに加え, 食事・睡眠・排泄等の基本的ニーズを満たす生活環境の整備へ重点をシフトすることが必要となる. そのためには,難病患者の支援者も無事であることが求められ,換言すれば,難病患者の災害支援とは,全ての人の災害支援につながる.
The aim of this report is to present the experiences and disaster preparedness of intractable disease patients and their families, after the Great East Japan Earthquake. Messages from intractable patients and their families are also presented.
First of all, the Chairperson of the Spinocerebellar Degeneration・Multiple System Atrophy Association has described a lack of support for intractable disease patients with respect to evacuation and care at shelters, even in 2018, after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake. This indicates a deviation from the law and system regarding disasters. The Secretary-General of the Japan Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association of Kagoshima reported her heartfelt support for patients with home mechanical ventilation, after the Great Kumamoto Earthquakes. In addition, she mentioned the necessity of an information sharing system in times of disaster, as well as the importance of disaster preparedness. On the other hand, a spinocerebellar degeneration patient described the barrier of disaster preparedness.
Even though a vast range of laws and systems have been implemented, care regarding the provision of food, sanitation, and proper sleeping conditions has been insufficient, and the health conditions of patients has been deteriorating due to overwhelming disasters. As of 2018, the preparedness level of mechanical ventilation batteries and medications has been increasing, compared to 2011. However, a shift toward meet- ing basic needs such as the provision of food, sanitation, and proper sleeping conditions is required, in addition to preparedness in terms of batteries and medications. Ensuring the safety of support personnel is also necessary to protect intractable patients under disasters. In other words, disaster support for intractable patients means disaster support for us all.
keywords:patients with intractable diseases, families of patients, natural disasters, disaster preparedness